
Justine Albers

Graduate Student

Marine Biotech 2018
genomics & engineering non-model microbes to study biogeochemistry in extreme environments
marine ecology, conservation, disturbance ecology, kelp forests, primary producers

Ricky Brokaw

Graduate Student

5835 Ellison Hall
Investigating water mass sources and transport of materials to kelp forests

Luke Carberry

Graduate Student

Ellison 5838
Phytoplankton biophysics across time and space scales

Julia Cox

PhD Student

MSRB 1314

I graduated with a BS in Biology from the University of Massachusetts Amherst in 2019, where I conducted research on the relationship bet

Sofia Urgoiti Crespo (she/her)

Master's Student

MSRB 4013
Marine community ecology & spatial ecology; role of reef rugosity and substrate complexity and the dynamics between kelp/sea urchin in the Santa Barbara Channel using long term ecological data

Natalie Dornan

Graduate Student

Marine Biotechnology Laboratory 2018
kelp forest nutrient cycling

Nathalie Eegholm

Graduate Student

Ellison 5843
Using remote sensing technology to aid in the development of net primary productivity and demographic models of kelp forests

Chance English

Graduate Student

145 MBL
Graduate student researcher investigating DOM/bacterioplankton dynamics in the open and coastal ocean.

Claire Gonzales

Graduate Student

BIO II, Room 1129
Co-location of multiple ocean activities (i.e., aquaculture, renewable energy and wild capture fisheries) in California's marine spaces

Hayley Goss

Graduate Student

Seascape genetics, larval dispersal, population connectivity and genetic structure in the Santa Barbara Channel

Emily Huffman

Graduate Student

Webb 1049
Coastal Geology and Geophysics, Sea-Level Changes and Glacial History

Marianna Karagiannis

Graduate Student

Carbon export and biogeochemical cycling

Zhe Li

Graduate Student

4710 Ellison Hall
Polar climate change, ocean heat content, ocean-atmosphere interaction.

Na Liu

Graduate Student

2029 Webb Hall
Interactions between microbes and the environment.

Katrina Malakhoff

Graduate Student

1206 MSRB
Sea urchin ecology, focusing on the impact of fishing and marine reserves on dominant urchin species in the Santa Barbara Chanel.

I am broadly interested in coastal marine ecology. I previously worked with Dr.

Synthetic biology and genetic engineering to produce sustainable methods and alternatives to food, fuel, and materials.

Mary McElroy

Graduate Student

1208 MSRB
I develop molecular tools for marine conservation and management and use them to study human impacts on marine biodiversity.

Kristen Michaud

Graduate Student

1204 MSRB
Marine community ecology, invasion ecology, larval transport.

Deanna Mireles

Graduate Student

Bren 3308
Investigating the effect of triple compound extreme events on marine communities in the Santa Barbara Channel

Michael P. Montgomery

Graduate Student

Bren 4026
Historical Ecology, Biogeography, and Social Oceanography

Dana Myers

Graduate Student

Ellison 5842
Coastal physical oceanography; remote sensing; estuary flux measurements

Kyle Neumann

Graduate Student

Michael Nowicki

Graduate Student

5837 Ellison Hall
Carbon export and biological pump modeling.

Nicola Paul

Graduate Student

Marine Biotechnology Laboratory 2018
particle-attached marine microbes

Qianhui Qin

Graduate Student

2029 Webb Hall
Carbon Climate, Marine Organisms Genomics.

Billy Ray

Graduate Student

marine community ecology, benthic food webs and aquaculture.

Rachel Sandquist

Graduate Student

Jacob Schmidt

Graduate Student

2029 Webb Hall
Offshore dumping of DDT insecticide and related waste near the Channel Islands.

Kateline Seeto

Graduate Student

West Campus, Bldg 7955, Rm 1001
fish and invertebrate communities associated with offshore energy, comparing survey methodology for subsea pipelines

Jordan Snyder

Graduate Student

Coastal oceanography; remote sensing-based flux measurements of terrestrial materials in the inner shelf.

Ruiming Song

Graduate Student

Ellison Hall 5835

Air-Sea Carbon flux

Michaela Sten

Graduate Student

Ellison Hall 5843
Population and community ecology

Jonathan Tarn

Graduate Student

2029 Webb Hall
Jon loves looking at how microbes are adapted to low energy lifestyles and talking in the third person.

Cecily Tye

Graduate Student

5838 Ellison
physical oceanography

Jose Valera

Graduate Student

Marine Organisms, Extremophiles, Nutrient cycling, Astrobiology, Carbon & Climate.

Kana Yamamoto

Graduate Student

Ellison 5837
open ocean carbon cycle, biological pump, carbon modeling