Credit: Alyson Santoro

Changes in the Earth's coupled ocean-atmosphere system are among the most pressing issues facing science and society. IGPMS students and faculty are at the leading edge of this research using the latest empirical, observational, and modeling approaches to understand the response of the Earth system to global climate change, now and in the past. Examples of research in this area include developing satellite remote sensing tools to understand carbon export, measuring how ocean currents affect the distribution of carbon and other nutrients, reconstructing ocean circulation from paleoclimate records, and using trace gases to understand the biogeochemical cycling of carbon. Modelers use inverse models to understand the exchange of carbon and heat between the ocean and atmosphere, and global ocean and climate models to understand the ocean's role in large-scale climate variability and future climate change.

Affiliated Faculty

The power of plankton.
Distinguished Professor
Marine Bioinorganic Chemistry and Metallobiochemistry.
I am a microbial oceanographer that studies the interaction between microbes and the biogeochemical processing of marine organic matter.
Main research interests: tropical climates, monsoon systems, mountain meteorology, fire weather regimes, and extremes.
The DeVries lab studies the interaction of ocean circulation, carbon cycle, and climate.
Associate Professor
Research Interests include Tropical-extratropical Teleconnection, Large-scale Atmosphere/Ocean Interaction, Polar Climate Variability, Paleoclimate Climate Change, Seasonal Prediction and Coupled Climate Modeling.
Debora Iglesias-Rodriguez has worked for twenty years on diversity and function in marine phytoplankton combining molecular approaches, carbon physiology and biogeochemistry in the lab and in the field.
Geochemistry and Igneous Petrology.
Climate variability and change, monsoons, extreme events, predictability, wildfires and regional modeling.
My research focuses on computational approaches to the interpretation of paleoclimate records.
Assistant Professor
Wind energy, conductivity sensing, drag reduction using superhydrophobic surfaces, cohesive sediment.
Limnology and Coastal Oceanography, with particular emphasis on physical-biological coupling.
Associate Professor
Understanding the ecology of communities and ecosystems in a rapidly changing world.
Ecological processes in lakes, wetlands and streams and their catchments throughout the world.
Assistant Professor
Uses mathematics, experiments, and field observations to understand how metabolic interactions between species shape the structure and function of ecological communities.
Researcher (Retired/Recall)
I count photons and herd phytoplankton.
Associate Professor
Program Diversity Officer
Coastal physical oceanography and autonomous platforms.
Physical Oceanography
Research Oceanographer
My current research focuses on the Biological Carbon Pump (BCP) in the Anthropocene. Changes to our climate, oil spills or plastic pollution all impact the production and gravitational settling of carbon. The BCP additionally provides transport pathways for pollutants.
Proterozoic and Cambrian paleontology; origins of biomineralization; early eukaryote evolution; early animal evolution.
Associate Professor
Pulver's research focuses broadly on the intersection of economic action and environmental harm and seeks to integrate theoretical frameworks related to global governance, organizational theory, and economic and environmental sociology.
Assistant Professor
Sulfur biogeochemistry and organic matter cycling in the ocean.
Professor; Vice Chair and Graduate Advisor, IGPMS
Marine microbial ecology, nitrogen cycling.
Physical oceanographic / ecological coupling, biogeochemistry and coastal spatial ecology using the tools of an applied physicist, radiative transfer and fluid mechanics.
Our lab investigates how coastlines evolve over thousands of years.
Assistant Professor
Climate and ocean modeling, tropical Pacific climate dynamics, and long-term variations in hydroclimate.
Chair, IGPMS
Carbon Climate, Marine Organisms Genomics.
Paleoclimate, paleoceanography, proxy development and refinement