
IGPMS Affiliate Faculty serve in one or more of the following roles: committee member for an IGPMS student, faculty with an interest in recruiting students through IGPMS, or an historical relationship with IGPMS.

Carolina Alejandra Martinez Gutierrez

Assistant Professor

2120 Webb Hall
Early Origins and Evolution of Microbial Life, Interaction Between Microbial Life and its Environment across Earth’s History, Evolution of Marine Bacteria and Archaea, Bioinformatics, Phylogenomics

Alison Butler

Distinguished Professor

3670D PSBN
Marine Bioinorganic Chemistry and Metallobiochemistry.

Leila Carvalho


6808 Ellison Hall
Main research interests: tropical climates, monsoon systems, mountain meteorology, fire weather regimes, and extremes.

Christopher Costello


4410 Bren Hall
Chris’ research addresses natural resource and environmental management under uncertainty and incomplete property rights.

Daniel Dauhajre

Assistant Professor

Ellison 6816
Ocean dynamics across multiple scales and their interactions with marine ecosystems

Anthony DeTomaso


1107 Life Sciences
Molecular mechanisms of self/non-self recognition in non-vertebrates; characterization of stem cells and development processes underlying regeneration and aging.

Zach Eilon

Assistant Professor

2116 Webb
Marine Geophysics, Seismology, Tectonophysics, Inverse Theory.

Sally Holbrook

Distinguished Professor

3316 MSRB
Marine ecology, community ecology, species interactions.

Patricia Holden


3508 Bren Hall
Environmental microbiology, water quality, pollutants, soils, urban and protected areas.

Matt Jackson


2012 Webb
Geochemistry and Igneous Petrology.

Charles Jones


6810 Ellison Hall
Climate variability and change, monsoons, extreme events, predictability, wildfires and regional modeling.

Bruce Kendall


4514 Bren Hall
Bruce is an ecological theoretician and modeler who applies population ecology to problems in conservation and fisheries management.

Armand Kuris


2002 MBL
The mission of our research group is to reveal the role of infectious diseases in ecosystems. We investigate parasite ecology, disease ecology, food web dynamics, ecology and evolution of infectious strategies, and control of human parasites.

Kevin Lafferty

Adjunct Faculty
US Geological Survey

2308 MSRB
USGS ecologist studying food webs (and parasites) in kelp forests, estuaries, coral reefs and beaches.

Gen Li

Assistant Professor

Webb 1120
Geochemistry, Geomorphology, the Carbon Cycle

David Lopez-Carr


4836 Ellison Hall


Paolo Luzzatto-Fegiz

Assistant Professor

2328 Engineering II
Wind energy, conductivity sensing, drag reduction using superhydrophobic surfaces, cohesive sediment.

Sally MacIntyre


4308 MSRB
Limnology and Coastal Oceanography, with particular emphasis on physical-biological coupling.

Douglas McCauley

Associate Professor

2314 MSRB
Understanding the ecology of communities and ecosystems in a rapidly changing world.

John Melack


4424 Bren Hall
Ecological processes in lakes, wetlands and streams and their catchments throughout the world.

Holly Moeller

Assistant Professor

1120 Noble Hall
Uses mathematics, experiments, and field observations to understand how metabolic interactions between species shape the structure and function of ecological communities.

Norm Nelson

Researcher (Retired/Recall)

6817 Ellison Hall
I count photons and herd phytoplankton.

Michelle O'Malley

Associate Professor

3343 Engineering II
Synthetic biology; cellular and biomolecular engineering; sustainability and bioremediation; membrane proteins; genetic regulation.

Carter Ohlmann


6713 Ellison
Physical Oceanography

Simone Pulver

Associate Professor

4001 Bren Hall
Pulver's research focuses broadly on the intersection of economic action and environmental harm and seeks to integrate theoretical frameworks related to global governance, organizational theory, and economic and environmental sociology.

Joel Rothman


3137 Bio II
Regulation of development and differentiation; regulation of programmed cell death and cell division; mechanisms of tumorigenesis.

Russell Schmitt


3314 MSRB
Population and community ecology, marine ecology.

Bill Smith


2137 Bio II
Developmental genetics and morphogenesis of the primitive chordate Ciona.

Andrew Thurber

Associate Professor

Noble Hall 2136
The Thurber Lab seeks to understand how the oceans work through a lens of combining biogeochemistry, microbiology and animal ecology. Much of the lab's research focuses on deep-sea and/or polar habitats, environments critical to a functioning planet and often overlooked for their importance. The lab aims to understand how these habitats function, how society benefits from them, and how this will change with our changing climate.

Thomas Turner

Associate Professor

LSB 4307
Ecology and evolution of marine sponges

Rebecca Vega Thurber

Professor; Director of UCSB Marine Science Institute

Our lab studies the microbial and viral ecology of marine and terrestrial species. We use a variety of high tech approaches such as genomics and informatics to discover and understand how bacteria and viruses both positively and negatively interact with their hosts. Much of our work is focused on how these interactions are altered under anthropogenic stress and how they may lead to reduced host and ecosystem resilience. We also conduct work specifically on marine conservation, aiming to better evaluate the unseen biodiversity of marine systems and to identify innovative solutions to the global declines of key marine species.

Herbert Waite

Distinguished Professor

3154 MBL
Structure-properties relationships in loadbearing marine biomolecular materials, e.g. from mussels, squid and whelks, at different length and time scales to design new materials.

Ian Walker


Ellison 4834

Coastal geomorphology, aeolian (windblown) geomorphology, sediment transport processes, beach erosion, coastal dunes, beach-dune restorat